quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2008


Deixo aqui alguns textos de pessoal que já testou os hydrofoils CARAFINO:

Here we all agree that the coolest thing about this board is the light wind abilities and the feeling of riding it....
12 knots, dive the kite, point the board downwind to get up... 5 seconds later a little back foot pressure and silence... Suddely you are up in the air, picking up speed, going upwind, feeling the power build in the kite... and it's totally quiet, no spray, no chop bounce, just gliding....
It's just too much fun!
Colona Watersports

Hi all,
We got a hydrofoil board from Carafino here in Egypt.
First, it's a really nice product, excellent finish and looks.
None of us tried a foil board before and it was interesting at first. Now we have been using it for a few days and it is really not that difficult.
It's just fine with straps, it is not heavy on your knees or ankles.
It goes upwind like nothing else, even in the lightest winds. I was out on a 12 Naish X1 in 12 knots and having problem coming back downwind. Really, downwind riding is harder than upwind...
I was going upwind on my 3rd ride on that board and could keep it up on the foil quite easy all the time by then. The first few tries can be frustrating but as soon as you get the hang of riding with straight legs and a bit of front weight it is easy.
Another guy, Joe, is obviously more talanted than myself, he rides toeside with ease and have started trying backloops already on the 5th time out.
John Trevor

I received my Carafino Foilboard this week and your postings were very helpful. On my first day the winds were on the light side so I spent most of the time in the water. Towards the end of the session the wind picked up and I got a few short flights. Overall I felt like a total beginner all over again.
On the second day I started off a little discouraged after a couple of painfull wipeouts and felt like I was never going to be able to ride toeside. Then it clicked!!! At the end of the 1.5h session I was getting long runs in both directions with multiple flights. I went up wind so much I was actually having to concentrate hard to go downwind.
I still need more practice to feel really comfortable but can't wait to get out and do it some more!

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